05 April, 2008

Mac B.'s Poem of Simplicity

04 April, 2008

Looking for Phoenix

Phoenix is a fictional character in the poem "Looking for Phoenix".
Griffin was still searching for him. She was saddened by the fact
that Phoenix was long gone in her life. She continues to search for
happiness but Phoenix was her only joy.

03 April, 2008


mascara de sentimiento-----pReCiOuS

"mascara de sentimiento" the chavacano translation of "Mask of Feelings"

this poem is made originally in english and compose by yours trully

DESIDERATA (wilfredo)

"Desiderata" (Latin for "desired things", plural of desideratum) is an inspirational prose poem about attaining happiness in life. It was first copyrighted in 1927 by Max Ehrmann.